14 January 2015

The Kingdom in the Sky

I've received a bunch of cards from Lesotho, and they're all beautiful!

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Moteng Village.

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The cave dwellings at Ha Kome are a National Heritage Site. They've been carved out in the 19th century and people are still living there today.

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The highlands of Lesotho can get pretty cold, with temperatures of up to -20°C.

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Harvest Time.

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Makhaleng Valley.

postcard, lesotho
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The Basotho are an ethnic group in southern Africa. Lesotho is named after them.

Top left: "The Wanderer" (Bematistes aganice), a butterfly from south and south-eastern Africa.
Top right: The Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) is a woodpecker that lives in North America. Not sure what he's doing on a Lesotho stamp.
Bottom: Turbina oblongata doesn't seem to have a wiki article yet.

the wanderer, the northern flicker, turbina oblongata

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